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redfish, Travel -

Back in the 1960's, when my mother left Cuba at 6 years of age, she was sent to live with a relative in Eunice Louisiana. Being that my mother is the one responsible for my fishing addiction, I have always wanted to go fish Louisiana. 
For some odd reason, my travels have never led me that way, until now.

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redfish, Travel -

The 5wt Chronicles are back!

Season 2, Episode 1 Follow along as we fish the Low country flood tides of North Florida and South Carolina.

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Drinkware, New Product, Trout -

We have teamed up with Sweetwater Brewing Co to bring you some heady merch! 

New Estrada Megahops Tee and Drinkware!

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Travel, Trout -

The crew over at Orvis Atlanta asked me to come out to their Orvis Fall Days event for a meet and greet, and screen our new episode of the 5wt Chronicles. Followed by a fun morning of trout fishing. 

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Striper, Travel -

For the past two years, I have made my way up to Crisfield Maryland to attend the CCA Maryland RedTrout Tournament. I always try to focus on catching rockfish, also known as striper or stripped bass. Last year, I invited Ty to come along for the trip; but big fish aren't around when that tournament takes place, so Ty and I had been talking about doing a trip up when the big boys were around.

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